APS News

APS News: Fall 2014

Summary of Proposed Changes

icon Executive Board becomes Board of Directors, with overall responsibility for matters of governance and finance. Only elected Directors have votes (Presidential Line, Treasurer, nine Council members including Speaker of Council).


icon icon Council becomes Council of Representatives, chaired by new Speaker, and will focus on all matters of science and membership, including science policy, prizes and awards, Units, membership, etc. Council of Representatives elects nine directors to Board of Directors.


icon A new position of CEO, appointed by Board of Directors as single point of overall responsibility for day-to-day operations and to create greater coherence across all operations. Nonvoting member of Board of Directors.


icon Editor in Chief to be jointly appointed by CEO and Board of Directors, with responsibility for scientific journals. Reports to CEO but also nonvoting member of Board of Directors.


icon New position of Treasurer directly elected by members to serve on Board of Directors and Council of Representatives to provide overall financial oversight. CEO will define and staff senior positions, expected to include Publisher and Chief Financial Officer.


icon Originally adopted in November 1914, Articles of Incorporation to be amended and restated. Essential for legal nonprofit status in District of Columbia. Constitution and Bylaws modernized into single document with operational details in Policies and Procedures manuals.

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Editor: David Voss
Staff Science Writer: Michael Lucibella
Art Director and Special Publications Manager: Kerry G. Johnson
Publication Designer and Production: Nancy Bennett-Karasik

APS News: Fall 2014

Table of Contents

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Articles in this Issue
APS Needs Your Help—Be Sure to Vote in October
Council Endorses Historic Changes to APS
Summary of Proposed Changes
What is Happening & Why
Committee on Corporate Reform Perspective
Composition & Function of Governing Bodies* and CEO**
Oversight of APS Committees
Voting & Transition Timelines
Thoughts from Past APS Presidents