Statistical Data

These graphs are produced by the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Statistical Research Center.  The Statistical Research Center publishes and analyzes data on education and employment in physics.
Gray arrow  AIP Statistical Research Center

Field of Employment for Physics Bachelors in the Private Sector

Field of Employment for New Physics Bachelors Private Sector thumb

This figure gives the distribution of employment fields for physics bachelors employed in the private sector, classes 2017 and 2018.

Field of Employment for Physics Masters in the Private Sector

Fields of Employment Existing Physics Masters One Year After Degree thumb

This graph gives the distribution of initial employment in the Private Sector for 2016-2018 Physics Masters degree recipients.

Initial Employment Sectors for Physics Bachelors

Initial Employment Sectors thumb

This graph describes the initial employment sectors for physics bachelors degree recipients, classes of 2017 and 2018.

Initial Employment Sectors for US Employed Masters

2018 Employment Distribution Sector chart thumb

This figure shows the distribution of employers for US Employed Physics Masters, classes of 2016, 2017, and 2018.

Typical Starting Salaries for Physics Masters

MS18 Typical Starting Salaries thumb

This figure describes typical starting salaries for physics masters degree recipients, classes of 2016, 2017, and 2018 combined.

Typical Starting Salaries for Physics PhDs

Starting Salaries Physics PhDs chart thumb

This graph gives typical starting salaries for Physics PhDs between 2015 and 2016.

Typical Starting Salaries of Physics Bachelors

Typical Starting Salaries for Physics Bachelors thumb

This figure describes the typical starting salaries by employment sector of physics bachelors classes of 2017 and 2018 combined

What's a Bachelors Degree Worth?

What Bachelors Degree Worth chart thumb

This graph describes typical starting salaries offered to graduating bachelors, by field.

APS Education and Diversity Statistics

Analyses From the AIP Statistical Research Center

General AIP Statistical Data