As part of a Society committed to member participation, the units provide opportunities for members to interact with colleagues with similar interests and to keep abreast of new developments in their specialized fields.
APS units conduct their own activities and function with much autonomy. Communication is promoted through unit meetings and newsletters.
By organizing symposia at APS meetings, the units not only contribute to increasing the knowledge of physics but also encourage networking on informal levels. Furthermore, most units communicate with their members on a regular basis, supplying timely information on upcoming events as well as reports on new developments in their areas of interest.
Astrophysics (DAP)
Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics (DAMOP)
Biological Physics (DBIO)
Chemical Physics (DCP)
Computational Physics (DCOMP)
Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP)
Fluid Dynamics (DFD)
Gravitational Physics (DGRAV)
Laser Science (DLS)
Materials Physics (DMP)
Nuclear Physics (DNP)
Particles and Fields (DPF)
Physics of Beams (DPB)
Plasma Physics (DPP)
Polymer Physics (DPOLY)
Quantum Information (DQI)
Soft Matter (DSOFT)
Diversity and Inclusion (FDI)
Early Career Scientists (FECS)
Education (FEd)
Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA)
History and Philosophy of Physics (FHPP)
Industrial and Applied Physics (FIAP)
International Physics (FIP)
Outreach and Engaging the Public (FOEP)
Physics and Society (FPS)
Eastern Great Lakes (EGLS)
Far West (FWS)
Four Corners (4CS)
Mid-Atlantic (MAS)
New England (NES)
New York State (NYSS)
Northwest (NWS)
Prairie (PSAPS)
Southeastern (SESAPS)
Texas (TSAPS)
Data Science (GDS)
Energy Research and Applications (GERA)
Few-Body Systems (GFB)
Hadronic Physics (GHP)
Instrument and Measurement Science (GIMS)
Magnetism and its Applications (GMAG)
Medical Physics (GMED)
Physics Education Research (GPER)
Physics of Climate (GPC)
Plasma Astrophysics (GPAP)
Precision Measurement & Fundamental Constants (GPMFC)
Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (GSCCM)
Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP)
Nominees for and holders of APS Honors (prizes, awards, and fellowship) and official leadership positions are expected to meet standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Ethics Guidelines. Violations of these standards may disqualify people from consideration or lead to revocation of honors or removal from office.