Physicists in industry have made possible the technological advances of modern products that make our lives safer, better, and easier as well as improving the security and infrastructure of our nation.
APS is committed to engaging industrial physicists with a staff member dedicated to developing and managing programs serving industrial physicists and to educating students about jobs in industry.
The very best place to get information about embarking on a career in industrial physics can be found on the APS’ Careers in Physics page. Two resources focused on industrial physics careers that can be found there are:
APS FIAP is one of the largest APS units with almost 5,000 members. The unit's objective is to enhance the Society's ability to meet the needs of the industrial and applied physics community, and help the Society take advantage of the evolving opportunities in the practice and application of physics. Join FIAP!
The Industrial Physics Advisory Board (IndBoard) advises APS on issues affecting industrial physics and is composed of physicists working in both the private sector and in academia providing career advice to their students. Advising the Office of Government Affairs on how government policy affects the private sector is another key contribution. Learn more
With well over half of physics graduates entering private sector industrial organizations, it is essential that APS increase “the participation of the next generation of physicists and involve them in shaping APS to be the Society with which they will engage and support.” (APS Strategic Plan: 2019)
Dan has extensive experience in the industrial sector with roles ranging from device physicist to senior management in organizations that ranged from startups to multibillion dollar. Send me an email | Bio