APS News

APS News: Fall 2014

APS Needs Your Help—Be Sure to Vote in October

M.R. Beasley, APS President 2014This special edition of APS News contains vital information about proposed changes in the way your Society is governed–the first comprehensive changes in 100 years. You will be asked soon to vote on a completely revised APS Constitution & Bylaws, and amended and restated Articles of Incorporation. In early October you will receive an email with instructions on casting your ballot and links to all of the relevant documents being voted on and associated background material.

I urge you to read this special edition closely–it explains why the APS leadership believes this vote is so important to APS’s future. For additional reading and background, please visit the APS Corporate Reform website, and if you desire, comment on the proposed changes prior to the voting period.  

On August 16, the APS Council voted to adopt a revised Constitution & Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation. Creating the drafts of these new foundational governance documents took a village, and all involved have done yeoman’s work over the past year with the best interests of APS at heart. The guiding principles in this journey were to preserve our physics culture, to ensure greater coherence in the operations across the Society, and to clarify roles and responsibilities (and hence accountability)–thereby making our Society stronger and more effective in its enduring mission “to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics.”

I believe that all involved have crafted a clear, modern, and highly workable Constitution & Bylaws that will serve APS well for decades to come. The APS Council agrees.  Personally, I will vote yes, and I hope you will too. In the end, however, it is your APS, and so I urge you to vote and make your voice heard on this important issue.

Mac Beasley
2014 APS President

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Editor: David Voss
Staff Science Writer: Michael Lucibella
Art Director and Special Publications Manager: Kerry G. Johnson
Publication Designer and Production: Nancy Bennett-Karasik

APS News: Fall 2014

Table of Contents

APS News Archives

Contact APS News Editor

Articles in this Issue
APS Needs Your Help—Be Sure to Vote in October
Council Endorses Historic Changes to APS
Summary of Proposed Changes
What is Happening & Why
Committee on Corporate Reform Perspective
Composition & Function of Governing Bodies* and CEO**
Oversight of APS Committees
Voting & Transition Timelines
Thoughts from Past APS Presidents