APS News

APS News: Fall 2014

Composition & Function of Governing Bodies* and CEO**


Board Composition
  • Presidential Line (President, President Elect, Vice President, Past President)
  • Treasurer
  • 9 Directors elected from/by Council (including Speaker)
  • 1 Director, as needed (nonvoting appointed)
  • CEO (nonvoting ex officio)
  • Editor in Chief (nonvoting ex officio)
Board Functions
  • Determine strategy for the Society
  • Oversee financial affairs of the Society
  • Shared oversight of publications
  • Oversee other Operations of the Society
  • Hire and oversee CEO
  • The President speaks on behalf of the Board and represents APS externally**
CEO Functions
  • Accountable for operations and publications of the Society
  • Focus on mission and vision
  • Manage executive staff
  • Strategic planning with Board of Directors
  • Facilitate relationships
  • An important outward face of APS**
Council Composition
  • Presidential Line
  • Speaker
  • Treasurer
  • Representation of Units, as currently
  • 4 General
  • 4 International
  • Advisor(s), as needed (nonvoting)
  • CEO (nonvoting ex officio)
  • Editor in Chief (nonvoting ex officio)
Council Functions
  • Oversee Unit activities
  • Oversee policy statements
  • Shared oversight of publications
  • Final approval of amendments to Constitution & Bylaws
  • Oversee scientific meetings, membership issues, and Prizes and Awards
  • Elect 9 Councilors to the Board including Speaker

* As outlined in the proposed APS Constitution & Bylaws
**September 2014: Revised/added for clarity in light of member comments.

APS encourages the redistribution of the materials included in this newspaper provided that attribution to the source is noted and the materials are not truncated or changed.

Editor: David Voss
Staff Science Writer: Michael Lucibella
Art Director and Special Publications Manager: Kerry G. Johnson
Publication Designer and Production: Nancy Bennett-Karasik

APS News: Fall 2014

Table of Contents

APS News Archives

Contact APS News Editor

Articles in this Issue
APS Needs Your Help—Be Sure to Vote in October
Council Endorses Historic Changes to APS
Summary of Proposed Changes
What is Happening & Why
Committee on Corporate Reform Perspective
Composition & Function of Governing Bodies* and CEO**
Oversight of APS Committees
Voting & Transition Timelines
Thoughts from Past APS Presidents