2019 Recipients

2019 student awards:

Undergraduate Poster Presentation:

  1. Gicela Sausedo Salas (University of El Paso): Probing the stability of Shastry Sutherland lattice in Er2Pd2Sn and Er2Pd2In
  2. Priyadarshini Rajkumar (Texas Tech): Optimizing the search for electromagnetic counterparts (EM) to Gravitational Wave (GW) events with the Liverpool Telescope (LT)
  3. Joshua Osborne (UT Arlington): A Systematic Reconstruction and Quantification of the Lag-Luminosity Relationship in Gamma-Ray Bursts
  4. Sadman Ahmed Shanto (Texas Tech): High Resolution Muon Tomography using a Portable Prototype Muon Telescope

Undergraduate Oral Presentation:

  1. Johari Dramiga (Texas Lutheran): Developing a Python-based Computational Model for Photoluminescence from a single, strained InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Well
  2. Jared Burleson (SMU): Study of the Kinematics of the Process Higgs to gg to b-bbar at the Large Hadron Collider with the ATLAS Experiment
  3. Keaton Holt (Trinity): Bacterial Motility Near a Smooth Surface: Experiments and Analysis
  4. Mary Fox (University of Dallas): AC and DC Coupling for Biopotential Amplification
  5. Taylor Wallace (SMU): Examining the Effect of Airflow on Radon Plate-out Rates

Graduate Poster Presentation:

  1. Matteo Fratta (Texas Tech): Detection of Hα emitters within the IPHAS field of view
  2. Pauline Dredger (UT Arlington): A Case Study of Bow Shock Current Closure

Graduate Oral Presentation:

  1. Paul Bennet (Texas Tech): The M101 Satellite Luminosity Function and the Halo to Halo Scatter Among Local Volume Hosts
  2. Joaquin Grefa (University of Houston): QCD Equation of State From Holographic Black Holes
  3. Milinda Pattanayak (Texas Tech):Non-linear dynamics and simulation of VO2 oscillators for micro-electronics applications
  4. Sagnik Singha (Texas Tech): Hele—Shaw model for studying particle interactions in a confined Couette flow
  5. Valeria Hurtado (University of Santa Cruz): What is the longest Gamma-Ray Burst that can be powered when a massive star collapses?