Forum on Diversity and Inclusion

On the recommendation of the 2016 APS LGBT Climate in Physics report, an organizing committee was created to develop a petition and proposal to Council to approve the creation of an APS Forum on Diversity and Inclusion (FDI). The Forum was established by unanimous approval of the APS Council of Representatives in November 2019, with strong support from the APS Committee on Minorities in Physics (COM), the Committee on the Status of Women in Physics (CSWP), the APS Ethics Committee, the Forum on Education (FEd), the Forum on Outreach and Engaging the Public (FOEP), and the Forum on Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA).

The objective of the Forum on Diversity and Inclusion is to support the mission of the APS by:

  • Working to ensure that all physicists, particularly those from historically or currently marginalized or underrepresented backgrounds or identities, will be fully included and have the opportunity to thrive within the physics community
  • Emphasizing, educating, and publicizing the important role of APS members and leadership in diversifying physics
  • Engaging stakeholders to initiate opportunities and support efforts to increase diversity and inclusion in physics

FDI will encourage aligned APS Units to partner with the larger APS membership to further coordinate and advance the Unit’s work.

Upcoming Meetings

APS March Meeting 2025
March 3-7, 2025

APS March Meeting 2026
March 16-20, 2026

View APS Meeting Calendar

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