“The advantage of using an accelerator is that if something goes wrong, we can switch it off,”
Rajendran Raja, Fermilab, on the benefits of a theorized accelerator-driven subcritical system to turn nuclear waste into fuel, The New York Times, October 19, 2009.

“It is a tool that will allow us to see what was previously unseen,”
Persis Drell, SLAC, on the Linac Coherent Light Source, The New York Times, October 17, 2009.

“Without the stimulus money, we would have sat on the sidelines,”
Wim Pieter Leemans, Berkeley National Lab, on the infusion of funds for the Berkeley Lab Laser Accelerator, The New York Times, October 17, 2009.

“Nationally, this is the first effort to have physical scientists work together in close proximity with oncologists. This has never been done before,”
Jan Liphardt, UC Berkeley, describing how University of California at Berkeley is part of a new national effort to combat cancer by scientists from a variety of backgrounds, CBS5.com, October 28, 2009.

“The FBI action is stupid and foolish and misguided and utterly wrong,”
Hugh DeWitt, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, after the FBI raided the home of former colleague P. Leonardo Mascheroni on the suspicion he was spying for Venezuela, The Associated Press, October 27, 2009.

“We are interested in getting these ideas working in a real engineering system…We are looking for applications we can put into real devices, not just a paper,”
Chuan-Hua Chen, Duke University, after creating a material with a surface that mimics the water repellence of a lotus leaf, Minnesota Post, October 26, 2009.

“He knows that in the past great things have come out of MIT, and I think what he is doing is called upon people who know the challenges, who know the possibilities,”
Cyril Opeil, Boston College, on the President’s speech at MIT calling for more research into clean energy, The Boston Globe, October 23, 2009.

“I take it as a confirmation that Einstein is still right,”
Peter Michelson, Stanford, on a recent experiment that showed both high and low energy photons arriving at almost precisely the same moment after travelling 7.3 billion light years, The New York Times, October 23, 2009.

“The petascale supercomputer gives us the capacity to look for similarities across whole populations of acute patients.”
Tanmoy Bhattacharya, on using the world’s fastest supercomputer to create a comprehensive model of HIV’s evolutionary history, UPI, October 29, 2009.

“This panorama image shows stars 1,000 times fainter than the human eye can see, as well as hundreds of galaxies, star clusters and nebulae,”
Axel Mellinger, Central Michigan University, who created a detailed map of the Milky Way using over 3,000 photos he took around the world, MSNBC.com, October 30, 2009.

“In the future we can take video of the launch environment, and the software can automatically … conclude what were the sources and the makeup of the debris.”
Philip Metzger, NASA, on a proposed camera that can track potential threats to a rocket during launch, U.S. News and World Report, November 3, 2009.

“The galactic center is the Hell’s Kitchen of astrophysical forces,”
Eliott Bloom, Stanford, The New York Times, October 30, 2009.

“[T]he evolution of life is a fact, whereas the theory explaining the evolution of life is Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Unfortunately, Darwin’s theory of natural selection is often called the theory of evolution, leading to unnecessary confusion with the fact of the evolution of life.”
Lawrence Woolf, General Atomics, describing how evolution can be described as both a fact and theory simultaneously, The New York Times ,“Paper Cuts Blog,” October 23, 2009.

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Editor: Alan Chodos

December 2009 (Volume 18, Number 11)

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Greenberg, Zhuang Share 2009 Apker Award
APS Launches Slide Shows for Undergrads
Accelerators Are Ubiquitous but Unsung
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