"It's great to see everything. Obviously, there are some mixed feelings, but I just love the enthusiasm that brought these people together again."
— Roy Schwitters, University of Texas at Austin, on a reunion of people who worked on the SSC, Dallas Morning News, July 23, 2005

"In some sense this is the first real measurement of this quantity, so it's a very big deal."
— Giorgio Gratta, Stanford University, on measuring neutrinos from the earth’s core, The New York Times July 28, 2005

“Physics wasn’t ready. We didn’t have the tools.”
— Jessica Clark, APS, on why Einstein failed in his quest for a unified field theory, Chicago Sun-Times, July 3, 2005

"This magnet is a world record because it has a very high magnetic field over a very large volume, so we'll be able to study the kinds of materials that can't be studied in any other magnet around the world."
— Greg Boebinger, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, on a new large magnet at the lab, Associated Press, July 28, 2005

"We've done very well for the last 20 years without any experimental input."
— Michael Douglas, Rutgers University, on string theory, The New York Times, August 2, 2005

"Anything that's not oil can reduce our consumption of oil."
— Mark P. Mills, on tax credits for solar panels on homes, Newsday, August 2, 2005

"Learning physics is not a spectator sport. You have to be part of it."
— Gary Gladding, UIUC, on the newly revised introductory physics courses at his university, The News-Gazette (Urbana-Champaign, IL) August 8, 2005

"If you look through the shelves of science books, you'll find row after row of books written by men. This can be terribly off-putting for women."
— Lisa Randall, Harvard University, on one of the reasons she decided to write a book, The Guardian, June 21, 2005

“When you can hear your motion, that turns out to be a very useful thing. It can help people make real changes in their golf swing, just by changing what they hear instead of telling them physically to do this or that or the other thing with their hands mechanically."
— Robert Grober, Yale University, on a golf club he designed that lets people hear their swing, Bay news 9.com (Tampa, Florida) August 14, 2005

"The experience of being a scientist makes religion seem fairly irrelevant. Most scientists I know simply don't think about it very much. They don't think about religion enough to qualify as practicing atheists."
— Steven Weinberg, University of Texas, Austin, on science and religion, The New York Times, August 23, 2005

"It was quite exciting. You can even see Einstein's fingerprints in some places."
— Carlo Beenakker, Leiden University, on a recently discovered Einstein manuscript, bbcnews.com, August 21, 2005

"I'm fortunate that I can talk to people about the black hole, the Big Bang and Mars, and everyone is wide-eyed. That can't be said for a lot of other sciences—I can't see a physicist holding court like this."
— Neil deGrasse Tyson, on a program he gives at the Hayden Planetarium for the public, The New York Times, August 23, 2005

"I didn't realize that President Bush's faith-based initiatives have reached so far as Air Force research projects. None of the three forms of teleportation of large objects discussed in this report are anywhere near being practical in the foreseeable future and (are) probably ultimately impractical, as a trained physicist can see by just plugging in a few numbers."
— Victor J. Stenger, University of Hawaii (emeritus), on an Air Force study of teleportation, San Francisco Chronicle, August 29, 2005

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Editor: Alan Chodos
Associate Editor: Jennifer Ouellette
Staff Writer: Ernie Tretkoff

October 2005 (Volume 14, Number 9)

Table of Contents

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Articles in this Issue
APS Members Elect Kadanoff, Bienenstock to Presidential Line
APS Mourns Loss of President-Elect John Bahcall
Twenty Troupes Pack 'Em In To See Physics on the Road
DOE Report Highlights Promising Areas of Solar Energy Research
Cohen Sends Message to Gulf Coast Physicists
APS Selects Mohta as New Congressional Fellow
APS President Says Intelligent Design Should Not Be Taught as Science
U.S. Physics Team Wins Five Medals in 2005 International Physics Olympiad
Estate Planning Information Available to APS Members
Rebecca Forrest Receives First Blewett Scholarship
Inside the Beltway: The Avoidable Tragedy of New Orleans
The Back Page
Members in the Media
This Month in Physics History
Physics and Technology Forefronts
Zero Gravity: The Lighter Side of Science