APS News

April 2004 (Volume 13, Number 4)

Members in the Media

"Robots get smarter every day, while humans haven't changed in 35,000 years,"
—Robert Park, University of Maryland, opposing human space travel, Philadelphia Inquirer, January 15, 2004

"There is no end to this wonderful world of experimental discovery and mental constructions and reconstructions of realities as new facts become known. That is why we physicists have more fun than most people."
—Miklos Gyulassy, Columbia University, The San Francisco Chronicle, January 19, 2004

"The State Department needs people who understand the difference between research on something dangerous and basic research."
—Daniel Marlow, Princeton University, on visa problems of foreign scientists, The New York Times, January 18, 2004

"High energy physicists have been marching into our project. This is not just another telescope. It's a physics experiment, like a particle accelerator."
—Anthony Tyson, Bell Laboratories, on a "dark matter telescope" known as the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, The New York Times, February 17, 2004

"There's the question of whether magnetic fields are a risk and there's no compelling evidence to indicate that from the scientific literature I've read. One can never prove the absence of a small effect, but exposure to electromagnetic fields from power lines are typically less than from many other sources within the home or the workplace, such as TV's, microwave ovens, electric razors, and electric blankets."
—Rick Matthews, Wake Forest University, on possible risks of living near power lines, Winston-Salem Journal (Winston-Salem, NC), January 8, 2004

"What we are seeing here, and we have not seen it before, is an administration that distorts the process by which it gets advice and censors the advice it gets from its own scientists."
—Kurt Gottfried, Cornell University, on a report by the Union of Concerned Scientists, Los Angeles Times, February 19, 2004

"In many ways these two frontiers are driven by different philosophies. One is to get a bigger and bigger hammer to smash things, and the other is to get things quieter and quieter so you can listen better."
—Eric Cornell, University of Colorado and NIST, comparing high-energy and low-temperature physics, Philadelphia Inquirer, February 16, 2004

"The bottom line is that it's going to be at least two or three decades before there's any significant number of fuel cell vehicles out there being bought by the public, and that's the optimistic scenario, if all goes well and the research challenges are met."
—Antonia Herzog, Natural Resources Defense Council, on hydrogen-fueled cars, San Francisco Chronicle, February 9, 2004

"Scientifically, just for the pure science of it, wouldn't you like to know just how many chemical elements there are? And until you actually have a measurement that you believe and you can confirm, you don't have any idea whether the various models the theorists propose have any meaning at all."
—Darleane Hoffman, University of California, Berkeley, on the production of elements 113 and 115, The New York Times, February 1, 2004

"I don't see the smoking gun. It has been known for years that they have a research and development program with centrifuges and that was somewhat tolerated. But the really important thing is whether they have made the jump from R&D to a plant that could make a bomb or more a year, and there really isn't as much evidence as one would think to support that."
—David Albright, Institute for Science and International Security, on North Korea's nuclear program, Los Angeles Times, February 24, 2004

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Editor: Alan Chodos
Associate Editor: Jennifer Ouellette

April 2004 (Volume 13, Number 4)

Table of Contents

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Articles in this Issue
Westward Ho: April Meeting Descends on Denver
San Diego Hosts Second Biophysics Workshop
Riordon Takes Over Media Relations Post
Several APS Members Receive Honors
Physics Students Benefit from Virtual Study Lounge
New Science Needed to Achieve Hydrogen Economy, says APS Panel Report
Cooper is New OPA Fellow
Four Divisions in Sweeping Attack on Neutrinos
APS Helps Local Organizers in State Battles on Evolution
Issues and Actions
Ask the Ethicist
The Back Page
Inside the Beltway: A Washington Analysis
Members in the Media
Zero Gravity: The Lighter Side of Science
This Month in Physics History