"The goal is not for them to learn tons about astrophysics, but to introduce them to real science. They are amazed that this is what scientists do, and that I don't know how it's all going to come out."
—Glennys Farrar, NYU, on running an astrophysics boot camp for high school students, New York Times, November 5, 2002

"This is sort of like creating a quark- gluon molasses, if you will. What has to go through is going to lose more energy as it comes out."
—Timothy Hallman, Brookhaven, on possible new evidence for the quark-gluon plasma at RHIC, Newsday, November 5, 2002

"Our long-term goal is to try to look very precisely at this anti-atom, and by comparing the world's simplest antimatter atom and the world's simplest matter atom to make a very fundamental test of basic physics theories."
—Gerald Gabrielse, Harvard, on the first experiments with anti-hydrogen at CERN, BBC News, October 30, 2002

"This is a grass-roots effort. What has happened is that, sort of spontaneously, the interested scientists in each of the regions have organized themselves to look at the scientific and technical challenges."
—Maury Tigner, Cornell, on the progress towards an international linear collider, San Jose Mercury News, October 29, 2002

"The anthropic principle isn't as anthropic as people wanted."
—Gordon Kane, University of Michigan, in an article on cosmology in the New York Times, October 29, 2002

"My main contribution is putting my money where my mouth is. My wife and I talked about it. We could buy a condo in Breckenridge, I suppose, but this is more important. This has the potential to transform how people learn science."
—Carl Wieman, University of Colorado, on donating most of his Nobel Prize money to a physics education project, Denver Post, October 29, 2002

''With an ordinary newspaper, the headline is fixed by the editors before the paper is printed. With a quantum newspaper, the headline is not fixed until the first reader of the morning looks at the paper on the doorstep. Before that first reader looks at it, the headline is completely undetermined; but then what that first reader sees, every other reader will see, too.''
—Seth Lloyd, MIT, on quantum entanglement, the Boston Globe, October 22, 2002

"There seems no reason that self-consistent worlds with causal loops cannot exist. They don't defy logic, but only common sense."
—Todd Brun, Institute for Advanced Study, Dallas Morning News, October 21, 2002

"It's ironic, but we want to go way underground to look at the cosmos. We can do things underground that we can't do on the surface or in space."
—Joe Dehmer, National Science Foundation, on plans for a National Underground Science Laboratory, Contra Costa Times, October 12, 2002

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Editor: Alan Chodos
Associate Editor: Jennifer Ouellette

December 2002 (Volume 11, Number 12)

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IUPAP Declares 2005 "World Year of Physics"; Franz Elected Secretary-General
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Yee-Haw! March Meeting Heads Down to Austin, Texas
Zero Gravity
Solar Neutrinos, Latest RHIC Data Highlight DNP Meeting
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APS News Asks Readers to Pick Historic American Physics Sites
PRL Top Ten: #9
APS Apker Award Honors Two Young Physicists
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Nobel Prize in Physics Honors Astrophysics Pioneers
Wiseman Reflects on Fellowship Year on the Hill
Getting Fruitcake Off the Shelf with Basic Physics
New Nanotechnology Bill Introduced
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