"There are some people out there saying to the public, 'Buy my thing and you'll be safe.' It's just not true."
Richard Garwin, Council on Foreign Relations, on the utility of home radiation detection devices, ABCNews.com, June 4, 2002

"I don't think it's really possible to throw Einstein's theory out entirely, because it certainly holds to a fantastic degree of precision."
Alan Kostelecky, Indiana University, on whether atomic clocks on the space station might overturn relativity, CNN, June 5, 2002

"This is the most marvelous sandbox of physics that we can play in for a long time to come."
Stirling Colgate, Los Alamos, on building a model of a black hole in the laboratory, AP, June 6, 2002

"This is going to Congress. It's going to be changed in some detail and probably improved. You can't do all the preliminary work ahead of time."
Michael May, Stanford University, on the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security, USA Today, June 10, 2002

"The image is saying that somehow we only form stars in a very small part of that galaxy."
Rodger Thompson, University of Arizona, on new results from the infrared camera on the Hubble Space Telescope, Newsday, June 11, 2002

"If someone were trying to find radioactive materials to scare people with, a vulnerable area would be medical schools."
Allen Sessoms, Harvard University, LA Times, June 12, 2002

"The physics we've learned is so different than the normal big things that we're used to... it really isn't communicated well until you get into college."
Franz Gross, William & Mary, on new results about the neutron from Jefferson Lab, Hampton Roads Daily Press, June 8, 2002

"We're having a hard time convincing students they ought to do push-ups and eat bran flakes for breakfast instead of cotton candy. It's a general trend that students don't want to take anything harder than they have to in order to be successful (but) that's just human nature."
Jerry Woodall, Yale University, on the difficulty of recruiting students in engineering, UPI, June 13, 2002

"There is nothing I can think of that would make a nuclear test necessary."
Bruce Goodwin, Livermore National Laboratory, Contra Costa Times, June 15, 2002

"Condensed-matter physics is like fine wine-you have to develop a taste for it."
Marvin L. Cohen, University of California at Berkeley, UPI, June 15, 2002

"I figured if I got a Ph.D. in physics, people couldn't make dumb-blonde jokes anymore."
Tina Kaarsberg, House of Representatives Science Committee, The National Journal, June 22, 2002

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Editor: Alan Chodos
Associate Editor: Jennifer Ouellette

August/September 2002 (Volume 11, Number 8)

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APS Selects 26 as 2002-2003 Minority Scholarship Recipients
Department Chairs Confer, Drop In On Congress
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Societies Honor Physics Olympiad Team
APS Fellows Win Four National Medals of Science, 1 Technology
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Hamre Commission Takes Hard Look at Security Mismanagement at Weapons Labs
Scientists Toy with Origami As A Solution
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Proposed New Department Complicates Outlook for Visas
Speaking Out In Support of Science Education Funding
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