APS News

June 2002 (Volume 11, Number 6)

April Meeting Photos

The Primakoff Lecturer in ActionThe Primakoff Lecturer in Action
Lincoln Wolfenstein of Carnegie Mellon University delivers the Primakoff Lecture at the APS April Meeting in Albuquerque, on the topic of CP violation and neutrino mixing.

Dear Congress... Dear Congress...
DPF Chair-Elect Jonathan Bagger ofJohns Hopkins University watches as an April meeting attendee writes to her representative. With the help of a conveniently-located bank of computers, more than 1500 letters to Congress in support of the agencies that fund physical science were written at the April meeting.

Faster, Faster Faster, Faster
At the APS Teachers’ Day at the April meeting, workshop participants took to the halls to simulate the motion of beam packets in a particle accelerator. Andrea Palounek, of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, led the workshop.

And the Winners Are...And the Winners Are...
The social hour sponsored by the Forum onGraduate Student Affairs at the APS April meeting featured the“FGSA Physics Quiz” in which teams of contestants vied for prizes such as a magnetically levitating “anti-gravity” top, and a “neutron”bounce ball. The first- and second-place finishers are pictured here. At right is the first place team from SLAC: Nicolas Berger (left) and Joerg Selzer (right); at left is the second-place team from UNC Chapel Hill and TUNL, consisting of (l to r): Ryan Fitzgerald, Carrie Rowland, Doug Leonard, and Brian Fisher.

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Editor: Alan Chodos
Associate Editor: Jennifer Ouellette

June 2002 (Volume 11, Number 6)

Table of Contents

APS News Archives

Contact APS News Editor

Articles in this Issue
2002 April Meeting Features New SNO Data, CPU Study
April Meeting Attendees Visit Ground Zero
April Meeting Photos
Mikulski, Walsh receive Public Service Awards
NSF Report Tracks Science Funding Patterns
Scientific Societies Foil Potential Journal Scam
CPU Study Issues Final Report
New SNO Data Resolves Solar Neutrino Problem
OPA Fellows Learn the Ropes on the Hill
Taking Hydrogen to the Extreme
Council Passes Statement on Defense Funding
The Back Page
Members in the Media
This Month in Physics History
Zero Gravity: The Lighter Side of Science
Inside the Beltway: A Washington Analysis