Women in Physics Statistics

APS and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) Statistical Research Center provide a variety of statistics on women in physics in the US.
Gray Arrow AIP Women in Physics Statistics

APS Women in Physics Statistics

APS generates statistical reports on women in physics. These reports are freely available for your use. You may use our graphs in reports and presentations or you may use the raw data to create new graphs and charts. Credit APS and IPEDS as shown on each graph.

Bachelor’s Degrees in Physics and STEM Earned by Women

Bachelor's Earned Women thumb

Percent of physics and STEM bachelor's degrees conferred to women as the first or second major at US institutions

Physics Degrees Earned by Women

Physics Degrees Women thumb

Percent of physics bachelor’s and doctoral degrees earned by women at U.S. institutions

Bachelor’s Degrees Earned by Women, by Major

Bachelor Women All Majors 2020 thumb

Percent of STEM bachelor’s degrees conferred to women by major (Biology, Chemistry, Math & Statistics, Earth Sciences, Physics, and Engineering)

Doctoral Degrees Earned by Women, by Major

PhD Women All Majors 2020 thumb

Percent of STEM doctoral degrees conferred to women by major (Biology, Chemistry, Math & Statistics, Earth Sciences, Physics, and Engineering)

Degrees Earned by Women, by Field

Women All Majors Average 2020 thumb

Average percent of bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees earned by women by major (Biology, Chemistry, Math & Statistics, Earth Sciences, Physics, and Engineering)

Doctoral Degrees Earned by Women, by Citizenship

PhD Women Physics Citizenship 2020 thumb

Percent of doctoral degrees earned by women, by US residency status