APS Journal Article Access for Developing Countries

APS strives to provide access to its journals to scientists in developing countries.

ICTP's electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS)

The electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS) is a tool that allows scientists at institutions in the least developed or low-income countries to access current scientific literature, mainly in the fields of physics and mathematics. The service requires registration and is cost-free. The articles are sent as email attachments so as to reach individual scientists who do not have access to sufficient bandwidth to download material in a timely manner and/or cannot afford the connection. APS journal articles are available through eJDS, which is administered by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP). It is run by the Marie Curie Library, with the participation of leading scientific publishing societies and companies.
Gray arrow electronic Journals Delivery Service (eJDS)

INASP's Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS) Program

APS worked with the International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publication (INASP) on providing free online access to the Physical Review Collection for non-for-profit institutions located in eligible countries. This offer was made available through the Strengthening Research and Knowledge Systems (SRKS) program since 2006 (previously known as PERI & PERii) and under the management of INASP. APS participation in the SRKS program is in support of our commitment to advancing scientific discovery and research dissemination for scientists in developing countries. We strived to make our journals available in regions of the world where the cost of the journals is prohibitive by offering access to the Physical Review Collection at a reduced, or no, cost. However, the program ended in March 2019 and INASP will no longer offer support for subscription management. To minimize interruption in online access and continue our commitment, APS has reached out to our existing institutions under the SRKS program and offers free access for 2020 while we evaluate our next steps. Please direct any inquiries regarding APS's subscription to customercare@aps.org.