Typical Starting Salaries of Physics Bachelors

Classes of 2017 and 2018

Typical Starting Salaries for Physics Bachelors chart

Credit: AIP Statistical Research Center, Focus on Physics Bachelor's Initial Employment

This figure describes the typical starting salaries by employment sector of physics bachelors classes of 2017 and 2018 combined.

Figure only includes bachelors in full-time, newly accepted positions. The full starting salary range is represented by the lines extending to each side of the box. The box represents the middle 50% (25th to 75th percentile) of the salaries. The vertical line within the box represents the median starting salary for the sector. Solves technical problems refers to respondents who selected “Daily”, “Weekly”, or “Monthly” on a four-point scale that also included “Rarely or Never” when asked how frequently they solved technical problems in their position.

This graph is reproduced with the permission of the AIP Statistical Research Center. Links to the original report are found below. For reproduction permission, please refer to the copyright policy on the AIP Statistical Research website.
Gray arrow Physics Bachelor's Initial Employment