Letter from the Chair - 2019

Dear SESAPS Members,

Welcome to the APS webpage for the Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society. SESAPS is a vibrant, regional physics organization that is free to join once you are a member of the APS. We are one of the oldest sections in the APS and we hold an annual scientific meeting, with 2019’s meeting being the 86th. This meeting spans many areas of physics, with almost half of the participants being undergraduate students, who participate in the poster session or deliver oral presentations. Your membership helps support the travel of these students to the meetings to present their research.

SESAPS also provides a vital networking opportunity for APS members that may not be able to always attend the larger, national meetings. These members can be younger students or folks from smaller, undergraduate only institutions. The regional meetings are often easier to attend than national ones, and undergraduates can learn about PhD programs in the region, as well as link up with graduate students and faculty working on similar research, forming important long term connections. The regional meetings, while fairly broad in physics scope, tend to also have somewhat smaller attendance, making socializing with other physicists and future physicists easier.

SESAPS is a unique organization with a long history and a big role to play in our region. I encourage you to maintain your membership, attend the annual meetings and recruit new members.

See y’all in Wilmington!

Dr. Nadia Fomin, Chair
The Southeastern Section of the American Physical Society
Associate Professor at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville