Why Join the Mid-Atlantic Section?

Your membership will support annual M-AS meetings, which will be inexpensive and emphasize student participation. Additionally, Section members will receive a newsletter that will highlight exciting new results and news from our region to keep the community connected. Please help to spread the word about the Mid-Atlantic Section of the APS to your colleagues.

Students and Postdocs: as a member of the M-AS, you can

  • Present your work to a diverse group of scientists. M-AS meetings are designed to be useful to you!
  • Develop your professional network and make new friends. Through the M-AS, you will meet potential graduate advisors and employers in the Mid-Atlantic region as well as fellow students at other institutions.
  • Learn about summer research programs, graduate schools, and career opportunities close to home.
  • Broaden your horizons by learning about what other people are doing locally.

University, Laboratory and Industry Scientists: as a member of the M-AS, you can

  • Encourage student participation in scientific conferences and support the professional development of early career scientists.
  • Interact directly with colleagues in different sectors: the M-AS will provide a forum for scientists from universities, industry and Government labs to come together under one roof.
  • Recruit promising young scientists in the region