Student Poster Competition at the 2019 GPMFC Workshop

The Topical Group on Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants (GPMFC) ran a student poster competition as a part of the “New Ideas in Dark Matter Searches” workshop.


William Thompson, Yale, “Testing DAMA/LIBRA's Claim of Dark Matter Discovery with COSINE-100”

Alex Droster, Berkeley, “HAYSTAC Overview and Phase II Upgrades”

Tanya Roussy, JILA and University of Colorado-Boulder, “Constraining the coupling of the axion to the electron’s electric dipole moment”

John Robinson, JILA and University of Colorado-Boulder, “Constraints on Ultralight Scalar Dark Matter With Atom-Cavity Comparisons”


William Thompson, Yale, “Testing DAMA/LIBRA's Claim of Dark Matter Discovery with COSINE-100”

Mr. Thompson was presented a certificate and a check for $500 at the end of the workshop.