FPS Election Results

Constance Kaita

Ed. note: Shortly after the April edition of the newsletter was going to press, the results of the Executive Committee election were completed, but we were not able to include this formal announcement.

Congratulations to the winners of the elections to positions on the Forum on Physics & Society Executive Committee! Each of these new committee members proposed unique ideas toward facilitating the connection between physics and societal issues that will be essential to the continued expansion of the Forum. Arian Pregenzer has been elected Vice-Chair and her contributions to the fields of both technology and public policy will bring a modern dynamic to understanding the role physics plays outside of a strictly scientific realm. Tina Kaarsberg, the new Secretary-Treasurer, harbors a strong interest in the interplay between physics and society, particularly energy and the environment, and plans on using her experience in these concentrations to expand the Forum’s presence among other scientists, various scientific foundations, and others. Beverly Hartline’s long history with FPS and her independent experience with the melding of physics and society makes her uniquely qualified for aiding the communication between physicists, policy makers, and the public as a member-at-large. Finally, Mike Tuts, as another newly-elected member-at-large, will pursue some of the numerous ideas he possesses about methods by which FPS can reach out to the public to become more accessible in its message showcasing the important role physics has in society. Thanks to all nominees for these executive committee positions and to the nominating committee for designating such strong candidates and we look forward to the contributions the new members will make toward the development of FPS.

Constance Kaita,
FPS Undergraduate Intern, Johns Hopkins University

These contributions have not been peer-refereed. They represent solely the view(s) of the author(s) and not necessarily the view of APS.