Call for Nominations: Beller and Marshak Endowed Lectureships

The APS Committee on International Scientific Affairs invites APS Divisions, Topical Groups, and Forums to submit nominations for the 2011 APS Beller and Marshak Endowed Lectureships. These Lectureships provide travel funds to support foreign physicists invited to speak during sessions at the annual March and April APS meetings.  The Beller Lectureship was endowed by the estate of Esther Hoffman Beller for the purpose of bringing distinguished physicists from abroad as invited speakers at APS meetings. The Marshak Lectureship was endowed by the late Ruth Marshak in honor of her late husband and former APS president, Robert Marshak, and provides travel support for physicists from “developing nations or the Eastern Bloc” invited to speak at APS meetings. Four lectureships are awarded every year, with a $2,000 maximum for each lectureship. The lectureships support travel for distinguished speakers during sessions at the following APS meetings:

Beller Lectureship: For a distinguished physicist from outside of the United States. Two lectureships for the March Meeting (21-25 March 2011, Dallas, TX), and one lectureship for the April Meeting (30 April – 3 May 2011, Anaheim, CA).

Marshak Lectureship: For a physicist from a developing country or Eastern Europe. One lectureship for either the March or April Meeting. Along with the travel funds, recipients will be honored in the meeting program and/or other printed materials as recipients of the Beller or Marshak Lectureship.  The deadline for nominations by FPS members for the 2011 Lectureships is Monday, 1 November 2010; Lectureships will be announced in December.  You are welcome to nominate those physicists who have been or will be invited as speakers for your sessions to receive this distinction and the accompanying travel funds.

Nominations from FPS members should be forwarded to Lea Santos, Chair of the Nominating Committee, at

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