Report on Forum Executive Committee Meeting

Cameron Reed, Editor

The annual meeting of the FPS Executive Committee was held in the Capitol Ballroom of the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, 8-10 am, Monday, February 15, 2010. Present were D. Prosnitz (outgoing chair), C. Ferguson (incoming chair), P. Bhat, J. Clark, M, Goodman, D. Harris, L. Santos (by telephone), B. Schwartz, B. Tannenbaum, R. Wiener, and P. Zimmerman. Newsletter Editor C. Reed and Assistant Editor J. Wurtele were also present, as was Editorial Board Chair B. Levi (by telephone).

Discussion opened with Bhat summarizing the Forum budget, which has a balance of about $55,000. Major expenses over the past year included travel ($29,000) and student fellowships ($8,000).

Schwartz summarized Forum-sponsored sessions to be held at the upcoming March meeting in Portland, OR. Zimmerman then summarized POPA deliberations on downsizing of nuclear stockpiles and clarification of the Society’s global-warming statement. This was followed by some discussion of the makeup of Forum committees (Fellowships, Awards, Nominating).

Discussion then turned to a draft Travel Policy that Prosnitz had circulated. There are some questions on this issue that require discussion with Society officers.

Discussion was held as to how the Forum might help to best inform its members on the science of climate change, with venues such as workshops and newsletter articles being proposed.

Reed briefly summarized the status of the newsletter before the meeting adjourned at about 9:50 am.

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