
Assistant Professor (Research) Position in Technology Policy

In connection with the emerging emphasis on Science, Technology, Peace and Public Policy at Wayne State University, the University seeks a talented multi-disciplinary scholar to conduct research on the technology-policy nexus related to such concerns as energy, the environment, national and international security, health or economic development and to teach related courses in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The position will be housed in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and will report to the Department Chair and to the Director of the University’s Center for Peace and Conflict Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Initial appointment to this full time non-tenure track position can extend up to three years, with annual reviews by the Department and Center, and may be renewable. For additional information about the participating units, see their web sites at: www.ece.eng.wayne.edu and www.clas.wayne.edu/pcs/, or contact Dr. Yang Zhao, ECE Department Chair [313-577-3920].

The candidate should possess a doctoral degree or equivalent in an appropriate discipline. Salary is commensurate with credentials and experience. Applicants must apply through the University’s electronic human resources system and only online applications will be accepted. To apply, search for ECE Department at http://jobs.wayne.edu and upload application materials under Assistant Professor-Research position. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The expected starting date is Fall 2010. Further information on Wayne State and its programs may be found at www.wayne.edu.

AIP Mather Public Policy Intern Program

We reproduce here part of the text of an AIP-FYI release of November 11, 2009. The full text can be found at http://www.aip.org/fyi/2009/135.html

The American Institute of Physics (AIP) and the John and Jane Mather Foundation for Science and the Arts announced today (November 11, 2009) the creation of the AIP Mather Public Policy Intern Program.

 “The aim of the program is to promote awareness of the policy process among young scientists by directly engaging them in the work that goes on in the federal government - work that is today as exciting as in any time in the past,” explained AIP Executive Director and CEO Fred Dylla.

John Mather, who shared the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for his precise measurements of the primordial heat radiation of the Big Bang and who is now a senior astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD, reached out to AIP to explore the development of this new initiative to expand hands-on policy opportunities for physics undergraduates. The program is funded through the John and Jane Mather Foundation for Science and the Arts, itself funded by Dr. Mather’s Nobel award. Dr. Mather hopes that this internship program will "get students interested when they still have an opportunity to learn about government process in their formal education; grad schools tend to expect their technical students to concentrate on technical things."

The AIP Mather Public Policy Intern Program will expand on the already successful Society of Physics Students (SPS) internship program which places physics undergraduates at federal agencies in and around Washington, DC. AIP Mather Public Policy Interns will contribute science expertise to congressional offices or other locations where public policy is developed.  Like other SPS interns, each AIP Mather Public Policy Intern will receive advice and guidance from practitioners in their offices, AIP mentors, and the accomplished network of present and former AIP Congressional Fellows. According to SPS Director Gary White, Mather internships are intended to be 9.5 week summer experiences for undergraduates in which they spend time on Capitol Hill addressing specific policy and legislative issues. Applicants for the AIP Mather Public Policy Intern Program must have an exceptional scholastic physics background and potential for future success, be active in SPS activities, have experience or demonstrable interest in public policy, and be able communicate clearly and effectively, both orally and in writing.

Further information for applicants will be available this winter, and will be publicized by FYI.

Rob Boisseau
Media and Government Relations Division
American Institute of Physics

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