FPS-Sponsored Sessions at March and April Meetings

This year, APS has joined with the American Association of Physics Teachers to hold its traditional “April” meeting from February 13-17 in Washington, DC. The following are the sessions that APS has organized for that meeting:

Saturday, February 13, 8:30 am, Cosponsored with the AAPT
Art and Physics

  1. Teaching Science through Drawing
    Felice Frankel, Harvard University
  2. Perspective of an Artist Inspired by Physics
    Jim Sanborn
  3. Using Art to Teach Science
    George Whitesides, Harvard University

Saturday, February 13, 10:45 am, Cosponsored with Forum on the History of Physics
Secrecy and Physics

  1. Secrecy and Physicists: Intersections of Science and National Security
    Steven Aftergood, Federation of Atomic Scientists
  2. Physics and Modern Secrecy
    Peter Galison, Harvard University
  3. Secrecy in Science
    William Happer, Princeton University

Saturday, February 13, 1:30 pm,

  1. A Plutonium Expert’s Perspective on Nuclear Arms Control: Experiences in the former Soviet Union, Northeast Asia, and South Asia
    Siegfried Hecker, Stanford University
  2. Using Physics Tools to Achieve Greater Nuclear Security
    Pavel Podvig, Stanford University

Sunday, February 14, 10:45 am, Cosponsored with the AAPT
Physicists Inside the Beltway

  1. Perspective from Capitol Hill and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
    Peter Lyons, Consultant
  2. Perspective from the Executive Branch
    Brendan Plapp, US State Department
  3. Perspective from Academia and Government
    Allen Sessoms, University of the District of Columbia

Monday, February 15, 10:45 am, Cosponsored with the Forum on Education
Energy Education

  1. Energy Education from the Perspective of an Energy Efficiency Expert
    Alan Meier, University of California, Davis
  2. Educating High School and Middle School Teachers and Students about Energy Systems
    Mary Spruill, The National Energy Education Development Project
  3. Energy Education for Undergraduates and the General Public
    Richard Wolfson, Middlebury College

Tuesday, February 16, 10:45 am,
FPS Awards Session

  1. Forum Burton Award Talk
    Pervez Hoodbhoy, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  2. Forum Burton Award Talk
    Abdul Nayyar, Sustainable Development Project, Islamabad, Pakistan
  3. Fissile Material Production and its Role in Proliferation and Nuclear Terrorism
    Frank von Hippel Princeton University

For the March APS meeting, to be held in Portland, OR, 15-19 March, FPS has organized a number of programs of interest to P&S readers:

Monday, March 15, 11:15 am, Cosponsored with the Forum on Education
How to Interest Middle School Children in Physical Science

  1. Roles for Scientists, Even in Industry, that Improve Middle and High-School Science
    Lawrence Woolf, General Atomics
  2. Introducing Deep Underground Science to Middle Schoolers: Challenges and Rewards
    Margaret Norris, LIGO Livingston Observatory
  3. Creating Engaging Science Learning Experiences for Middle School Students through Museum Exhibits
    Ray Vandiver, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry
  4. Immersing Southeastern Louisiana Middle School Students in Physics at the LIGO Livingston Science Education Center
    Amber Stuver, LIGO Livingston Observatory
  5. Teachers on the Leading Edge: A Place-Based Professional Development Program for K-12 Science Teachers
    Robert Butler, University of Oregon

Tuesday, March 16, 8 am,
Opportunities for Research and Employment in Transportation Science

  1. The Science of Transportation Analysis and Simulation
    John Gleibe, Portland State University
  2. The Physics of Congestion Pricing in Transportation Planning
    David M. Levinson, University of Minnesota
  3. The Changing Science of Urban Transportation Planning
    Tom Kloster, Oregon Metro Regional Transportation Planning Manager
  4. Transportation Science, Planning and Employment in the Industry
    Carl Springer, DKS Associates, Portland, Oregon

Wednesday, March 17, 8 am
Physics, Culture and the Arts

  1. Physics and the Making of “The Big Bang” TV Comedy Series
    David P. Saltzberg, University of California, Los Angeles
  2. Dance and Movement: Collaborating with Scientists
    Jodi Lamask, Artistic Director for Capacitor, San Francisco
  3. Science and Sculpture: Physics, Mathematics and Architecture
    Michael Burke, New York, NY
  4. Understanding Musical Instruments: Composing “Updike’s Science”
    Brian W. Holmes, San Jose State University

Wednesday, March 17, 11:15 am, Not Sponsored by FPS but of possible interest to its members
Science and Literacy, the Nature of Science and Religion

  1. Culture without Science
    Sheril Kershenbaum, Duke University
  2. The Development of Civic Scientific Literacy in the US
    Jon Miller, Michigan State University
  3. Addressing the Public about Science and Religion
    Murray Peshkin, Argonne National Laboratory
  4. Increasing Our Understanding of How Science Really Works
    Judy Scotchmoor, University of California Museum of Paleontology
  5. Physics Literacy for All Students
    Art Hobson, University of Arkansas

Tuesday, March 18, 11:15 am, Cosponsored with the Forum on Education
Renewable Energy Education

  1. NREL’s Education Program in Action in the Concentrating Solar Power Program Advanced Materials Task
    Cheryl Kennedy, National Renewable Energy Lab
  2. Evolution of a New Degree Program: the BS in Renewable Energy Engineering
    Robert Bass, Oregon Institute of Technology
  3. Students and Mentors, Mentors and Students: Who is Educating Whom in the New World of Energy?
    Daniel Kammen, University of California, Berkeley
  4. Modernizing the Physics Curriculum by Being Less Modern: Case Studies from Industry
    Philip Gleckman, eSolar Corporation
  5. Renewable Energy around the Nation: Lessons Learned by One Faculty Member New to the Field
    Robert Ehrlich, George Mason University

This contribution has not been peer refereed. It represents solely the view(s) of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of APS.