Ad-hoc Committee Examines APS Climate Change Statement

Don Prosnitz & Philip W. Hammer

At the May 2009 meeting of the APS Council, a member of Council moved that the Council reconsider the APS statement on Climate Change that was passed in November, 2007.  In particular, this Councilor said that he and approximately 50 current and former APS members with whom he has contact feel that the statement is questionable by its inflexible declaration that the evidence for global warming is “incontrovertible.”  APS President Cherry Murray suggested, and it was approved by consensus, that the motion be tabled and that she appoint a high level ad hoc committee of respected senior scientists and charge them with reviewing the current APS Climate Change statement.  The committee will make a recommendation as to whether or not the statement should be changed and suggest new wording if necessary.  The committee will report its findings and recommendation to the APS President who will then convey these to the Council at its November 2009 meeting. After hearing the report from the ad hoc committee, Council will determine if any further action is required.

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