FPS-Sponsored Sessions at March and April Meetings

FPS has arranged many sessions of general interest and societal relevance for the two APS meetings this spring. The March meeting, taking place in Pittsburgh from March 16-20, will feature four sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by FPS. The following lists the sessions and speakers that have been invited and tentative titles for their talks:

Tuesday, March 17, 8:00 am:
The Greening of the City of Pittsburgh-The History, Science and Examples

  1. Devastation and Renewal: Water, Air and Land in Pittsburgh Environmental History
    Joel A. Tarr, Carnegie Mellon University
  2. Air Quality from Early Pittsburgh to the Present: The Science of Change
    Cliff Davidson, Carnegie Mellon University
  3. Material Science and Construction using Green Science and Technology
    Alan Traugott, CLJ Engineering
  4. The Greening of the David L. Lawrence Pittsburgh Convention Center
    Mark Leahy, Lawrence Convention Center

Wednesday, March 18, 8:00 am: (co-sponsor: Forum on Education)
Forging Effective Partnerships with Your Local Science Center:
Outcomes from the Workshop on University/Science Center Collaborations

  1. University/Science Center Collaborations (A Science Center Perspective): Developing an Infrastructure of Partnerships with Science Centers to Support the Engagement of Scientists and Engineers in Education and Outreach for Broad Impact
    David Statman, Allegheny University
  2. University Perspectives on Science Center/University Interactions
    Leo Kadanoff, University of Chicago
  3. University/Science Center Collaborations: A Science Center Perspective
    Eric Marshall, New York Hall of Science
  4. Perspective of NSF-MPS Program Directors on Educational Outreach
    Daniele Finotello, NSF Program Officer

Thursday, March 19, 8:00 am: (co-sponsor: the Division of BioPhysics)
The Physics of Imaging and Radiotherapy

  1. Dedicated CT Imaging of the Breast
    John M. Boone, University of California at Davis Imaging Center
  2. Advanced Tomographic Imaging: Visualization of the Unseeable
    Xiaochuan Pan, University of Chicago Cancer Research Center
  3. Planning and Delivery of Radiation Therapy—Principles and Recent Developments
    Cedric Yu, University of Maryland School of Medicine
  4. Image-Guided Radiation Therapy--Application and Advancement
    David Jaffray, Ontario Cancer Institute/Princess Margaret Hospital
  5. Panel Discussion Among Speakers
    Barry Berman, George Washington University

Thursday, March 19, 8:00 am:
Physics Meets Art

  1. Quasicrystals in Medieval Islamic Architecture
    Peter J. Lu, Harvard Univeristy
  2. Analysis of Jackson Pollcok Paintings
    Kate Jones-Smith, Carnegie Mellon University
  3. Analysing Monet
    Charles Falco, University of Arizona
  4. Those Bubbles in Beijing: The Story of the Water Cube
    Denis Weaire, Trinity College, Dublin

The “April” meeting, will be held this year from May 2-5 in Denver. FPS, sometimes in collaboration with other APS units, has scheduled 8 sessions. Those sessions and the speakers who have been invited are:

Saturday, May 2, 10:45 am (co-sponsor: the Division of Physics of Beams)
Future Applications of Accelerators

  1. Accelerator X-ray and Neutron Sources for Advanced Information Technology, Sustainable Energy and Healthier Lives
    Murray Gibson, Argonne National Laboratory
  2. Medical Applications: Hadron Therapy
    Cynthia Keppel, Hampton University
  3. Applications in Nuclear Energy Security
    Richard Sheffield, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Saturday, May 2, 3:30 pm (co-sponsored with the Forum on International Physics)
Global Physics Projects

  1. International Scientific Collaboration
    Christopher Llewellyn Smith, Oxford University
  2. Panelists
    Joe Dehmer, NSF Physics Division
    Michael Holland, Office of Management and Budget
    Dennis Kovar, Department of Energy

Sunday, May 3, 8:30 am: (co-sponsor: the Forum on the History of Physics)
Science Policy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

  1. Lessons from Skating on Thin Ice: Office of Energy Conservation, Office of Technology Assessment, and Office of Science and Technology Policy
    John Gibbons, Former Assistant to the President for Science and
  2. Civic Scientist Era
    Neal Lane, Rice University
  3. Science as a Model for Rational, Legitimate Government
    Lewis Branscomb, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Sunday, May 3, 10:30 am: (co-sponsor: the Forum on International Physics)
Managing Nuclear Fuels: An International Perspective

  1. A Contract between Science and Society
    Elizabeth Dowdeswell, Nuclear Waste Management Organization
  2. Radioactive waste management, its global implication on societies, and political impact
    Kazuaki Matsui, Institute for Applied Energy
  3. Disposal of spent nuclear fuel from the Nuclear Research Reactor at the National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania
    Victor Nicolae Zamfir, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering

Sunday, May 3, 1:30 pm
Physics Contributions to the Intelligence Community

  1. "Physics and the Intelligence Community- The next decade?"
    Donald Kerr, Office of the Director of National Intelligence
  2. Physics, Physicists and Revolutionary Capabilities for the Intelligence Community
    Lisa Porter, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity

  3. Physicists & Engineers in the Spy Business—What does the Record Say about National Reconnaissance?
    Robert McDonald, National Reconnaissance Office

Monday, May 4, 10:45 am:
Is Geoengineering a Possible Stop-Gap Measure to Rapid Climate Change?

  1. Solar Band Climate Engineering Technologies: Risks and Unknowns
    David Keith, University of Toronto

  2. The Many Problems with Geoengineering Using Stratospheric Aerosols
    Alan Robock, Rutgers University

  3. Ocean Iron Fertilization
    Kenneth Coale, Moss Landing Marine Laboratory

Monday, May 4, 1:30 pm:
FPS Awards Session

  1. Science and International Security
    Raymond Jeanloz, University of California, Berkeley
    Recipient of the 2009 Leo Szilard Lectureship Award
  2. Remembering our Humanity: the deep impact of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto
    Patricia Lewis, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
    Recipient of the Joseph A. Burton Forum Award

Tuesday, May 5, 1:30 pm:
The Role of Scientists in Arms Control

  1. Dr. Inside and Dr. Outside: Complementary Roles in Arms Control
    Peter Zimmerman, Kings College (ret)
  2. Progress in monitoring the CTBT since its 1999 Senate Defeat
    David Hafemeister, Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo
  3. Technology and Policy: the Role of Technical Community
    Kory Sylvester, NNSA/DOE

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