Tribute to the Retiring Editors

Twelve years ago, Al Saperstein became the editor of Physics and Society, with Jeff Marque as the news editor. The two have been functioning as co-editors for the past five years. With this issue, they are both taking a well-deserved retirement.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of these two men, the FPS “newsletter” is in reality a high-quality quarterly journal that is always thought-provoking and sometimes controversial. The typical issue contains a number of substantive articles, stimulating commentary and letters, informative news and interesting book reviews. The editors have had to exert considerable effort to assemble such interesting material on a range of relevant topics, often laboring with little additional help – and without benefit of a peer review system – to fill out the newsletter.

Al and Jeff have persevered through these many years, even though the job is unpaid. They do have the satisfaction of their finished product and the occasional letter or email of recognition. The latter is even more heartening when one realizes that it’s human nature to write the editor far more often to complain than to compliment.

We wish to express our deep appreciation to Al and to Jeff for their many years of tireless service. They have conscientiously brought us all a newsletter that informs and challenges. They will be formally recognized for their service during the Forum Awards Session at the April meeting.

The Executive Committee
Forum on Physics and Society

This contribution has not been peer refereed. It represents solely the view(s) of the author(s) and not necessarily the views of APS.