Outreach News

Secrets Universe IMAX film adThere’s a new IMAX film coming out called “Secrets of the Universe.”  The film, based on experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), highlights the current excitement in the field of particle physics, and how recent experiments help us understand our universe.
Gray Arrow “Secrets of the Universe” film website
Gray Arrow The film’s facebook page


Universal Foam 2.0 cover imageUniversal Foam 2.0: From Cappuccino to the Cosmos
by Sidney Perkowitz (Author)
Gray Arrow Kindle Edition on Amazon

A video based on the book: Bubbles That Can Change the World,
Gray Arrow Bubbles video on YouTube 




Cartoon image by Randall Munro

Credit: xkcd.com, Randall Munro: http://xkcd.com/803/