FOEP at the March Meeting

March Meeting 2017

Double your exposure by giving an outreach talk in addition to your science talk!

The Forum for Outreach and Engaging the Public will have contributed talk sessions at the March (section 25.6) and April (section R5) meetings. Importantly, these talks do not count against you, so you can still submit a scientific presentation. We look forward to hearing about your work.

FOEP sponsored workshops at the APS March Meeting: Finding your scientific voice.

March Meeting Scientific Voice Workshop

Sunday, March 12 ♦ Two Sessions: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Who Should Attend?
This workshop is restricted to APS graduate students and postdocs.

You’ve spent years designing, carrying out, and wrapping up your research. Now it’s time to communicate your results to your peers and the broader community!

The Forum for Outreach and Engaging the Public (FOEP) will host workshops on improving communication skills of students and postdocs. Each 3 hour workshop will focus on how to improve the 10 minute talks for the meeting as well as give participants instruction on how to communicate with the lay public about their work.

A similar workshop was delivered at the APS DFD meeting in Portland Oregon and was received very well by the students:

"…a great workshop! … I can definitely say that it was more than worth it!"
"The improvisation exercises were great as well as the concrete feedback to the talks." - Julia

"it was good to have someone expert in our field and also a good coach." - Allyson

FOEP Invited Session at the APS March Meeting: From Physics Girl to the Physics Bus, Creating an Effective Voice for Physics in a Diverse Society

(Monday 2:30 - 5:30 p.m., Room 286)
We have a great line up for this session including Physics Girl, the folks from the Physics Bus, Charlie Falco who will be talking about The Art of the Motorcycle and the History of Art, as well as Amber Stuver from LIGO, and Melanie Dreyer-Lude who will discuss Theater Techniques for Physicists.

Physics Girl Dianna Cowern

The Physics Bus will be in New Orleans for March Meeting!
The Ithaca Physics Bus is about doing science for fun. It is a mobile exhibition of upcycled appliances — reimagined by kids — that showcase unfamiliar physics phenomena. The mission of the physics bus is to awaken interest and creativity in physics for all ages and walks of life.

The Bus is coming down to New Orleans for the APS March Meeting 2017 and will be making stops in schools and community events throughout the week. Stay tune for an event schedule. Make sure to check it out while it is in town!

Ithaca Physics Bus

Physics Bus for Happy Hour

Tuesday March 14, 2017 from 6 - 8 p.m. at Gordon Biersch, 200 Poydras St, New Orleans, LA 70130

APS March Meeting 2017
Session Q19: A Staged Reading of the Play: Moving Bodies

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.
Room: Marriott Mardi Gras Ballroom Salon A-C
Sponsoring Units: FHP FPS

A Staged Reading of the Play: Moving Bodies BRIAN SCHWARTZ, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York — Moving Bodies is about Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman as he explores nature, science, sex, anti-Semitism, and the world around him. This epic, comic journey portrays Feynman as an iconoclastic young man, a physicist with the Manhattan Project and confronting the mystery of the Challenger disaster. The Atomic Bomb is central to the play, but it is also very much about human loves and losses. We learn about his (Feynman’s) eccentricities: his bongo playing, his penchant for picking locks, and most notably his appreciation for women. Through playwright Arthur Giron’s eyes, we see how Feynman became one of the most important scientists of our time. The playwright, Arthur Giron, is the co-playwright of the recent 2015 Broadway Musical, Amazing Grace. The staged reading is performed by the Southern Reparatory Theatre. The play director and actors as well as a historian-scientist who knew Feynman will be available for a talk-back discussion after the play reading.