Funding Information

APS grants for public outreach and informing the public
APS annually awards several grants up to $10,000 to help APS members develop new physics outreach activities. Programs can be for traditional K-12 audiences or projects for engaging the public.

Marsh W. White Awards are made to Society of Physics Students Chapters "to support projects designed to promote interest in physics among students and the general public."

SPIE education and outreach grants for photonics and optics
As part of its education outreach mission, SPIE provides support for optics and photonics related education outreach projects.

AAPT - American Association of Physics Teachers
Bauder Fund Grants for Physics Outreach Programs
Can provide funds to obtain and or build and support traveling exhibits of apparatus.

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation offers grants toward promoting science and science understanding to the general public.

IOP Institute of Physics
Public Engagement Grants – open to all but only for projects that take place within the UK and Ireland

EPS European Physical Society
Two grants that can fall into the outreach category are the EPS grant for Regional Physical Society Meetings that include items outside their usual grant categories, and EPS Award for Pre-University International Physics Competitions.

Many institutions have their own internal outreach funding programs.

Contributed by: H.M. Doss