FOEP Executive Committee News

New Members
Congratulations to the winners of the elections to positions on the Forum on Physics & Society Executive Committee. Don Lincoln of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory was elected as Vice Chair. He will serve a four year term becoming Chair-Elect, Chair, and Past Chair. Rachel Henderson of West Virginia University was elected as student Member at Large.

The Nominating Committee, chaired by Michael Barnett, did an excellent job selecting the candidates for this election, making the choice the FOEP electorate had to make all the harder. We thank heartily the candidates who did not win this time, and encourage FOEP members to consider being a candidate next time.

New Elections
The FOEP Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a slate of candidates for each year’s election. Soon elections will be held for a Vice Chair Officer and for two Members at Large. Please vote when you get the email announcing the ballot.

We are inviting your suggestions for candidates, which should be emailed to the FOEP Past Chair, Yvan Bruynseraede (, or to someone from the Executive Committee. Please take the time to participate, elect your FOEP Executive Committee members, and consider getting involved in the future by volunteering or nominating colleagues who wish to serve the FOEP mission. More information can be found on the FOEP website.

Contributed by: Yvan Bruynseraede