News from the APS: COVID Research and Resources Group (CRRG)

Cortney Bougher

The COVID-19 pandemic presents many challenges to the scientific community, but also presents opportunities for new research and education efforts. Many scientists are engaging in COVID-related work, and physicists are already contributing to the effort in various ways (e.g. modeling, imaging, technology). However, with the many restrictions and uncertainties of this time, many physicists may be researching in isolation and limited to local interaction.

To foster a coordinated community among physicists working or interested in COVID-related research, the APS Topical Group on Medical Physics (GMED), in partnership with other APS units, has recently created the new COVID Research & Resources Group (CRRG) on the APS Engage platform. APS Engage is an online community where users can participate in discussion forums, post and view resources, and network with other community members.

Cortney Bougher

Courtney Bougher

CRRG will serve as a meeting and discussion hub for COVID-related research, resources, and activities within APS. These activities may include broad-based COVID research webinars and events within focused interest groups (e.g., modeling, imaging, technologies) such as journal clubs, discussion forums, the formation of research consortia, as well as communications with partner organizations, societies, industry corporations, and news media.

FIP members are invited to join this new online community by logging into APS Engage with APS credentials and opting into the COVID Research and Resources Group (CRRG).

Cortney Bougher is the APS Director of Membership. Cortney received her master’s degree in Engineering Physics from Appalachian State University in 2014.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.