Letter from the Editor

Dear FIP Members,

Welcome to this spring/summer 2018 issue of the Forum on International Physics! Here you can find detailed reports on our sessions at the March and April meetings 2018 and on other FIP’s activities.

This year, the FIP Nominating Committee, chaired by Past Chair Cherrill Spencer, has received a good number of nominations for the positions on the FIP Executive Committee that will be filled by an election this coming September. They are evaluating the nominees to choose whom to put on the election ballot for Vice-chair, Secretary/Treasurer and Member-at-large (two positions). Please cast your votes when you receive the election ballot by email in late September; The future direction and effectiveness of this forum depends on you voting for the candidates you prefer!

I would like to thank the many FIP members who support our Unit, either by serving on FIP committees and our Annual Meeting or in countless other ways. Their efforts are essential for the continued vibrancy of our international community. Thank you again!

Don't forget to send me your contributions and suggestions for the next issue of the FIP newsletter!

I hope to see you all at our next APS meetings!

My warmest best wishes to you all,

The Newsletter Editor
Maria Longobardi

Maria Longobardi image