Letter from the Editor

Dear FIP Members,

Welcome to our new edition of the FIP Newsletter!

Starting from this issue, I am pleased to serve as the new Editor of the FIP Newsletter.

First of all, I want to thank again our previous Newsletter Editor, Ernie Malamud, for all his efforts during the last years and for his unbeatable enthusiasm and competency. I’m also grateful to the FIP Executive Members Cherrill Spencer, Jason S Gardner and Roy Jerome Patterson for their contributions to this issue.

We recently designed a new style for our FIP newsletter. I want to thank the APS Communication Office and in particular, Sara Conners and Nancy Bennett-Karasik for their precious help.

We hope you will enjoy the new design and we greatly appreciate if you have any further suggestions. If you are considering contributing to the FIP Newsletter with articles, please send me an email. Let us also know if there are any topics you’d like to see covered in the future.

We are looking forward to helping the members of the FIP stay better informed on our activities.

Enjoy the FIP Newsletter!

The Newsletter Editor
Maria Longobardi
University of Geneva, Switzerland

Maria Longobardi image