Fourth African School of Fundamental Physics and its Applications in Rwanda

Submitted by Christine Darve (European Spallation Source, SE) on behalf of he ASP2016 International Organizing Committee

Rwanda African School of Fundamental Physics group photo

The fourth biennial African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications (ASP) has taken place at the University of Rwanda's College of Sciences and Technology from August 1 - 19. The ASP2016 brought together 55 students from 28 African countries, one from the US and 20 from Rwanda, most of the students being in masters and PhD programs. Leading scientists from all over the world lectured during the 3-week long summer school. The objective of the school (a non-profit organization) is to increase capacity development in fundamental physics and related applications in Africa. The ASP program is funded by 20 research institutes, international organizations, government agencies and universities.