FIP Elections Matter – Get Involved!

Edmond Berger

FIP will hold an election in 2016 to renew the Executive Committee, as we do every year. Your input matters!

Noemi Mirkin Jerry Petersen
Vladimir ShiltsevSurajit Sen

(Top: left to right) Noemi Mirkin, Jerry Petersen, (Bottom: left to right) Vladimir Shiltsev, Surajit Sen

In 2016 we will be electing a new member of the Chair line and two new Members-at-Large of the Executive Committee. Members-at-Large serve for 3 years. A person in the Chair line serves for 4 years, one year as Vice-Chair, a second as Chair-elect, a third as Chair, and finally a year as Past-Chair.

The election process starts with the organization of a Nominating Committee and suggestions of possible nominees from members of FIP. In his role as Past-Chair in 2016, Ed Berger is charged with forming the Nominating Committee, soliciting input from the membership, and putting together a ballot. The names of the committee will appear on the FIP website shortly, and all FIP members should expect an e-mail about the election process.

Meanwhile, as you think about possible nominees, please do not delay sending your suggestions to Ed Berger ( Please provide as much background information as possible on your nominee, including a link to a CV. Most important is your own explanation of why the nominee would be a strong addition to the FIP leadership.

The 2015 election was very competitive for all open positions. On behalf of all of us, I thank all who expressed a willingness to stand for election and a desire to contribute. As you may read elsewhere in this FIP Newsletter, we re-elected our esteemed Noemi Mirkin to another 4-year term as Secretary-Treasurer. The two new Members-at-Large are Vladimir D. Shiltsev and Surajit Sen. The new member of the Chair line is Roy Jerome (Jerry) Peterson. Included below are brief introductions of the new members.

Jerry Peterson is a Professor Emeritus of Physics at the University of Colorado Boulder and a Fellow of the APS. He earned his PhD in 1966 and has been an experimental nuclear physicist ever since, working at facilities around the world. In addition to his affiliation with the Department of Physics at Colorado, he was a Professor of International Affairs from 2004 to 2014, where he is also a Faculty Associate of the interdisciplinary Center for Asian Studies and of the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research. He was a Jefferson Science Fellow at the US Department of State in for several years. He is an elected Foreign Fellow of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences.

Vladimir Shiltsev is the Director of the Accelerator Physics Center at Fermilab and a Fellow of the APS. He received his Ph.D. in physics from the Budker INP (Novosibirsk) in 1994. His research interests include high energy particle colliders, beam dynamics, and accelerator science and technology. Among his international activities, he serves as the President of the international Russian-speaking Academic Scientists Association (RASA) and was instrumental in establishing formal connections between RASA and the APS.

Surajit Sen is a Professor at the State University of New York at Buffalo and a Fellow of the APS and also AAAS. Born and raised in Calcutta, he earned his PhD at the University of Georgia. He is a nonlinear dynamicist and statistical physicist working on granular materials and related fundamental nonlinear systems. His international activities include service as an Editor of the International Journal of Modern Physics B and of Modern Physics Letters B. and a two-term elected president of the American Chapter of Indian Physics Association.

Edmond L Berger, FIP Past-Chair 2016, is a high energy elementary particle theorist and Distinguished Fellow at Argonne National Laboratory. He is a Fellow of the APS and served previously as Chair of the Division of Particles and Fields (1990); Chair of APS Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (2011); and Chair of the APS Committee on Meetings (1995).