FIP Sponsored or Co-sponsored Sessions at the APS 2015 Spring Meetings

The APS web pages have links to the abstracts and in many cases the presentations themselves. The links are from the meeting “Epitome. It is easy to find the presentation using the session number and then the specific talk. Finding the “Epitome” takes a few clicks starting from the APS home page:
(1) Meetings & Events
(2) Archives of the Bulletin of the American Physical Society
(3) 2015
(4) APS March (April) Meeting 2015
(5) Scientific Program
(6) Epitome

March Meeting 2015 LogoMarch Meeting, March 2 – 6, 2015, San Antonio, Texas

Session B3 Condensed Matter Physics in Latin America I
Chair: Alex de Lozanne, University of Texas at Austin
Invited Speakers: Pablo Levy, Adalberto Fazzio, Marcelino Barboza-Flores, Arturo Ayon

Session Q3 Condensed Matter Physics in Latin America II
Chair: Edmond L Berger, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Horacio M. Pastawski, Antonio Jose Roque da Silva, Manuel Quevedo-Lopez, Angela Camacho

April MeetingApril Meeting, April 11 – 14, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland

Session J8 International Photon Science Facilities
Co-sponsors: DPB FIP
: Stuart Henderson, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: Harald Sinn, David Schultz, Harald Reichert

Session J12 Prize Session: Joseph A. Burton, Leo Szilard and John Wheatley Awards
Co-sponsors: FPS FIP
: Micah Lowenthal, National Academy of Science
Invited Speakers: E. Wiliam Colglazier, Ashok Gadgil, Per Nordblad

Session S12 Models of International Partnership I
Chair: Edmond Berger, Argonne National Laboratory
Invited Speakers: David Gross, Joseph Lykken, Thomas Glasmacher, Sergio Bertolucci

Session U12 Models of International Partnership II
Chair: Maria Spiropulu, California Institute of Technology
Invited Speakers: Robert Iotti, Roger Blandford, Gabriela Gonzalez, Roound Table

Session Y8 The 5th Inter. Conf/ on Women in Physics, Reflections and Going Forward
Co-sponsors: CSWP, FIP
: Susan Blessing, Florida State University
Invited Speakers: Beth Cunningham, Prajval Shastri, Kathryne Sparks Woodle, Herman White

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.