From the Editor

Ernie Malamud

I thank the authors for the many excellent articles in this issue. They cover a wide range of international physics activities and events in different countries. There are many opportunities for you to participate in international physics described in the articles by Ed Berger, Amy Flatten and Michele Irwin.

Accelerators and their applications, from those using light sources to the big machines probing the most fundamental unanswered questions are among the most successful examples of international cooperation in science.

In this issue are 4 articles about light sources: the current status of SESAME, the light source under construction in Jordan, and articles on the Brazilian synchrotron light source, industrial use of light sources in Japan, and on a light source planned for Mexico.

There are many existing light sources and many new ones under construction. (see A large region on our planet without such a facility is Africa and there is increasing momentum to build one there. A conference in November will discuss progress and I plan to have an article on a light source for Africa in our spring 2016 newsletter.

(…) “Accelerator laboratories link diverse societies and contribute to a culture of peace.” 
I pulled this phrase from page 23 of the brochure “Accelerators and Beams, Tools of Discovery and Innovation.”  This brochure, now in its 4th edition,  is published and distributed by the APS Division of Physics of Beams. Approximately 28,000 copies have been distributed worldwide. High school physics teachers in particular appreciate this brochure, either as a short, easy to read refresher on accelerators or to distribute in their classes or physics clubs. It is on the DPB website. If you’d like a copy (or a bunch) mailed to you let me know. There is no charge.

I jump a few orders of magnitude from the GeV scale synchrotron light sources to the big TeV scale machines. Both the existing facilities (LHC) and studies of possible future machines (FCC and CEPC-SPPC described in our last issue) are all international collaborative efforts. In this issue Maria Spiropulu gives us an update on the International Linear Collider.

Featured in this issue are two articles on important US cooperative programs in the Muslim world contributed by Amir Mohagheghi at Sandia National Laboratories.

Sultana Nahar has contributed a trip report on a recent visit to Bangladesh. I learn a great deal from her articles about physics research and teaching in parts of the world quite unknown to me.

The spring 2016 newsletter deadline is February 1, 2015.

I try to get the spring issue done in time for distribution before the APS Spring meetings so this is a “hard” deadline.

Think about writing a short article and/or sending a couple of pictures with long captions. Or suggest possible topics and/or authors. Please send text in MSword format and graphical material as JPGs.

Ernie Malamud spent three decades at Fermilab participating in high energy physics experiments and accelerator design and construction. He is a Fermilab Scientist Emeritus and is on the adjunct faculty at the University of Nevada.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.