Distinguished Student Seminar Program DS3

The first round of applications for the Forum on International Physics 2015 Travel Award for the Distinguished Student Seminar Program (DS3) opened on September 1, 2015.

The award information is summarized below.

Maximum Award Allocation:
  • US $ 500 to assist with travel within North America and lodging, for students working in research groups in the US or Canada.
  • Up to $ 1000 to assist with international travel and lodging for students working overseas with research groups in developed countries.
  • Up to $ 2500 for international travel and lodging for students working overseas with research groups in developing countries.


The applicant must be a graduate or undergraduate student from a developing country who is enrolled in a degree program at a recognized university.

APS members of FIP, FGSA, or other units sponsoring the DS3 program are eligible to apply for the travel grants.

Application Materials:

A CV (of appropriate length) and a Narrative proposal of 5,000 characters (maximum), including:
  • Explanation in detail of the student's research program, including past accomplishments and current work, and its physics impact
  • A summary of education and outreach activities.
  • Other work on behalf of the physics community
  • Give examples of innovation or leadership where applicable, in any of the above items
  • List of up to five of the most relevant publications, where the applicant had the primary role or an important role (as explained in the proposal)
  • Statement of financial support from an appropriate representative of other sources of funds complementing the award, where applicable
  • Description of the travel plan and budget (2,000 characters maximum).

Deadline: October 15, 2015 (11:59 p.m. EDT). Decisions will be made shortly after the deadline.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.