FIP Sessions and Events at the APS 2013 Spring Meetings

The APS web pages have links to the abstracts and in many cases the presentations themselves.  The links are from the “Epitome” of each meeting, and from there it is easy to find the presentation using the session number and then the specific talk.

Finding the “Epitome” takes a few steps: (1) APS Meetings & Events (2) Archives of the Bulletin of the APS (3) 2013 (4) March or April Meeting 2013 (5) Meeting abstracts (or program) (6) Epitome

March Meeting 2013

2013 APS March Meeting

March 18-22 • Baltimore Convention Center,
Baltimore, Maryland

FIP sponsored and co-sponsored three great symposia.

Session B9FIP Symposium on the Science of Climate.
Chaired by Eugene Chudnovsky.

Richard Lindzen, “Climate Concerns: Asking the Right Questions”
Joanna Haigh, “Solar Variability and Climate Change”
Bhupendra Nath Goswami, “On Winning the Race for Predicting the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall”
Darryn W. Waugh, “Stratospheric ozone: a major (long neglected) anthropogenic forcing of the climate system”
Francois Forget, “Climate of Mars and Other Planets”

Session N32International Physics Programs and History of Physics. Jointly sponsored by FIP and the Forum on the History of Physics (FHP). Chaired by Gloria Lubkin, Physics Today Editor.

Katrin DeWindt, “Fulbright Opportunities in the Physical Sciences”
Ernst Wall, “Revisiting the Bohr Atom 100 Years Later”
Charles W. Clark, Joseph Reader, “A transformational year in physics: 1932”
Yeuncheol Jeong, Ming Yin, Timir Datta, “Discovery and development of x-ray diffraction”
Amy Young, “Latest developments on documentary film - The State of the Unit: The Kilogram”

Session R9Advances in Condensed Matter Physics in Latin America.
Chaired by Eugenio Vogel, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile.

Elisa Maria Baggio Saitovitch, “CLAF: 50 Years of Promotion and Coordination of Physics in Latin America”
Lilia Meza-Montes, “Marshak Lectureship: Women in Physics: Increasing in Number, and What Else?
Antonio Jose Roque da Silva, “Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source: current results and future perspectives”
Carlos A. Balseiro, “Physics in Argentina: The Case of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”
Romeo de Coss, “Condensed Matter Physics in Mexico”

April Meeting 2013

April Meeting 2013

April 13-16 • Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, CO

FIP co-organized two symposia on different aspects of Science Diplomacy.

Session H7FIP/FGSA Session on Science Diplomacy

Chaired by FIP Past Chair Harvey Newman, Caltech.

Marco A. Raupp, “Science in Brazil”
Nicholas Suntzeff, “Science Foreign Policy at the State Department: Why Would They Need a Cosmologist?”
E. William Colglazier, “Science and Diplomacy”

Session R6Grassroots Science.
Chaired by William Barletta, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Sultana Nahar, “John Wheatley Award Talk: Promoting Under-Represented Physicists in Asian and Arab Countries and Muslim Women in Science”
Andrew Sessler, “International Aspects of Particle Accelerators”
Hamed Tarawneh, “Status of SESAME Synchrotron Light Source”

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.