Sultana Nahar, FIP Executive Committee Member

Winner of the John Wheatley Award

Sultana Nahar, FIP Executive Committee Member, Winner of the John Wheatley AwardCitation:  "For efforts to promote physics research and teaching through collaboration, mentoring, and philanthropy in several third-world countries, and in particular for her promotion, as both an advocate and role model, of Muslim women scientists."

Sultana, a faculty member at Ohio State University, contributes frequently to this newsletter.  See her article on this issue “Recent Visit to Bangladesh Universities and Physics Prizes”, and in recent past issues:  Egypt Connection (Fall 2012) and Highlights of a trip to the UAE and India (Spring 2012)

The Wheatley award was established in 1991 with the support of the Forum on International Physics and is endowed by gifts from Biomagnetic Technologies and IBM, and by individual donations in memory of John Wheatley. The award is given to a physicist, generally from a developed country, who, at personal or professional cost, goes to a less developed country and promotes significant physics there, as John Wheatley did in Argentina.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.