From the Editor

Ernie Malamud

In this issue are contributions from many different parts of the globe. I thank all of the authors for their contributions as well as our Newsletter Committee for their excellent suggestions.

From early in my career my personal philosophy has been to recognize the importance of dialog between scientists in different countries, often between countries in conflict. Of course, the shining examples are CERN and now SESAME. So in this issue, besides links to an interesting article and some BBC coverage on SESAME, I’ve included a Memoire by a Russian colleague and friend from the early days at Fermilab. In the midst of the cold war Nikitin and I convinced our Director Bob Wilson to approve us for the first experiment done on the new accelerator. Also relating to science history and internationalism is the account by Lidia Smentek of the Judd-Ofelt Theory of f-Elements.

A significant contribution to scientific advances and international connections is the role played by expatriate groups and organizations of physicists working in the United States. This issue features articles by 4 groups – from Korea, China, Iran and Ethiopia.

Forum: Public medium used for debates in which anyone can participate. In Roman times it meant a public place at the center of a market or town where open discussions on judicial, political, and other issues were held. I include this definition with the goal of encouraging discussion among our membership in Letters to the Editor. In this issue a Letter to the Editor from Alan Cooper describes the nuclear reactor program in the UK to compare with that in Sweden described in our last issue by František Janouch.

I encourage FIP members to suggest topics and authors for future issues. The deadline for receipt of materials for the fall 2013 issue is August 15. Please send material in MSword format and graphical material as JPGs. It also helps if you are covering more than one topic in an article to divide the material into several shorter articles.

Ernie Malamud spent three decades at Fermilab participating in high energy physics experiments and accelerator design and construction. He is a Fermilab Scientist Emeritus and is on the adjunct faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno. He is the Editor of the DPB brochure “Accelerators and Beams, Tools of Discovery and Innovation.”  Copies of the recently completed 4th edition are available by writing to

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.