From the Editor

Ernie Malamud

Will the lead article in this issue "The Green Delusion in Sweden is Over" stir controversy? Do you feel that nuclear fission is a green solution to the planet's energy problems? The last sentence in Professor Janouch's article "The history of Swedish energy policy can teach a valuable lesson to other countries such as Germany that are attempting to abandon nuclear energy" is provocative. I welcome letters to the Editor for our Spring 2013 issue.

In this issue is an excellent article by Jim Williams about Fang Lizhi, a truly remarkable person. Recently there have been several eloquent eulogies about Fang. They are complementary to Williams' article and illustrate various aspects of this outstanding individual's life and contributions to science and to the international freedom of scientists. I refer the interested reader to:

Fang Lizhi 1936-2012, by Johann Rafelski, and Remo Ruffini, CERN Courier, June 2012.
Ode to an Astrophysicist: Fang Lizhi, by Alaina G. Levine, APS News 21 #5, May 2012.

In this issue are contributions from many different parts of the globe. I thank all of the authors for their contributions as well as our Newsletter Committee for their excellent suggestions   I encourage FIP members to suggest topics and authors for future issues.

The deadline for receipt of materials for the Spring 2013 issue is February 15. It will help if you can send me material in MSword format and graphical material as JPGs. It also helps if you are covering more than one topic in an article to divide the material into several shorter articles.

Ernie Malamud after three decades of work at Fermilab on high energy physics experiments and accelerator design and construction, retired to live in California. He is a Fermilab Scientist Emeritus and is on the adjunct faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.