Highlighting APS Opportunities, APS Fellows, Prizes Awards Medals, Lectureships and Travel Grants

Harvey Newman and Noemi Mirkin

APS Fellows

FIP accepts nominations for Fellows each year, based on their achievements in physics, as well as their dedication and leadership to science education and outreach, promoting international collaborations, and/or human rights advocacy. The 2011 FIP Fellows will shortly be announced. We will present their certificates at the 2012 spring meeting they attend, either in March (Boston, February 27 – March 2) or April (Garden Grove, CA, April 30 – May 3). The deadline for nominations for the 2012 Fellows is May 15, 2012.

APS Prizes, Awards and Medals

FIP sponsors or co-sponsors a number of honors (see http://www.aps.org/units/fip/awards/index.cfm). Several of the recent awardees are presented in the following sections, including links to further information.

Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach

The Nicholson Medal for Human Outreach is awarded to a physicist who either through teaching, research, or science related activities,
  1. has demonstrated a particularly giving and caring relationship as a mentor to students or colleagues, or has succeeded in motivating interest in physics through inspiring educational works, or
  2. has created special opportunities that inspire the scientific development of students or junior col-leagues, or has developed programs for students at any level that facilitated positive career choices in physics, or
  3. Has successfully stimulated the interest and involvement of the general public on the progress in physics.

As highlighted in the last newsletter, the 2010 medal was awarded at a special session at the April meeting to FIP Past Chair Noémie Benczer Koller "For unselfish commitment to advocating the freedom of scientists around the world and for leadership in fostering equal opportunities for women in science." Her award presentation is briefly reviewed in this issue.

The winner of the 2011 medal will be announced soon. We encourage FIP members to nominate their colleagues for this prestigious award for 2012.

Andrei Sakharov Prize

The Sakharov Prize recognizes outstanding leadership and/or achievements of scientists in upholding human rights. The prize is named in recognition of the courageous and effective work of Andrei Sakharov on behalf of human rights, to the detriment of his own scientific career and despite the loss of his own personal freedom. The Prize is endowed by contributions from among others, FIP and friends of Andrei Sakharov.

The 2010 Andrei Sakharov Prize was awarded to Herman Winick (SLAC), Joseph Birman (CCNY-CUNY) and Morris (Moishe) Pripstein (NSF). Details on each of the three recipients can be found on the main Sakharov Prize link.

"For tireless and effective personal leadership in de-fense of human rights of scientists throughout the world."

We continue to receive valuable advice and ideas from Herman who is FIP's Councillor.

While the due date for nominations for the 2012 prize has passed, we encourage members of the APS, especially FIP members, to nominate truly outstanding colleagues for one of these prestigious prizes, which are awarded every other year.

John Wheatley Award

The John Wheatley Award has been established to honor and recognize the dedication of physicists who have made contributions to physics in the Third World. As reported, the 2010 prize was awarded to Miguel José Yacaman of the University of Texas, Austin

"For the great impact that his efforts as an influential promoter of the development of physics have had, not only in Mexico, but also in Latin America and beyond."

Professor Yacaman received his award at the prize session sponsored by FIP at the April meeting, where he gave a presentation that is briefly reviewed in this issue.

We encourage FIP members to nominate their colleagues for this prestigious award for 2012.

Beller and Marshak Lectureships

The Marshak Lectureship, endowed by Ruth Marshak in honor of her late husband and former APS president, Robert Marshak, is to provide travel support for physicists from "developing na-tions or the Eastern Bloc" invited to speak at APS meetings.

The Beller Lectureship was endowed by Esther Hoffman Beller for the purpose of bringing distinguished physicists from abroad as invited speakers at APS meetings.

We encourage the members of FIP to nominate out-standing candidates for these important lectureships, to help enable physicists from abroad to speak at FIP-sponsored as well as other sessions at the APS meetings in 2012.

Opportunities for International Members

There are many opportunities for APS members residing or working outside the US: the India U.S. Travel Grants and the Brazil-U.S. Exchange Program, as well as the International Travel Grant Awards Program (ITGAP) overseen by the Office of International Affairs led by Amy Flatten, in cooperation with FIP. These are excellent opportunities for graduate students and professors to receive some travel support to work with their overseas colleagues, or for professors to give a short course or lecture series. While the 2012 applications are not due until next year (ITGAP applications are due in January), it is not too early to think of possible visits and collaborations, and plan to apply in due time. The APS is currently consid-ering additional opportunities for students from abroad to receive partial support to attend meetings, and other international programs. We welcome your ideas and suggestions for additional programs or initiatives that would help us better serve the FIP membership.

International Travel Grant Awards

Sergio Ulloa, FIP Vice Chair, organized and chaired the review committee for the 13th and 14th semiannual cycles of the International Travel Grant Award program (ITGAP). ITGAP, which was originated by FIP, provides funding for collaborations between out-standing scientists in the developed world and the de-veloping world. The success of the ITGAP program is reflected in the fact that 12 APS units, including FIP, have agreed to participate in sponsoring the program together with the Office of International Affairs and the U.S. Liaison Committee of IUPAP.

FIP members are encouraged to apply, and encourage their colleagues abroad to apply for these awards.

Also see the article by Amy Flatten in this issue.

Disclaimer-The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.