From the Editor

Ernie Malamud

The deadline for receipt of materials for the spring 2012 issue is February 1, in time to have printed copies available at the Spring APS meetings. It will help greatly if you can send me material in MSword format and graphical material as JPEGs. I prefer short, newsy (1000 words or less) articles. Photos and other graphical material enhance the newsletter. It also helps if you are covering more than one topic in an article to divide the mate-rial into several shorter articles.

The success of the newsletter depends on you, the members of FIP. I encourage you to send me ( suggestions for topics and authors. I'm also happy to hear your ideas by phone.

A forum is “a medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas.” Thus, very welcome are (short) Letters to the Editor commenting on FIP newsletter articles in recent issues or other ongoing events of interest to our membership.

We don't have a regular column of “Browsing the Journals” but I recommend a few articles that are relevant to material covered in this issue. The July issue of APS News has an important report on SESAME, (Synchrotronlight for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East) and how there is significant progress on this important international project despite the turmoil in the Mideast. I found the article in the July issue of Physics Today by Siegfried S. Hecker “Adventures in scientific nuclear diplomacy” a fascinating account touching on many of the points Harvey makes in his View from the Chair and also covered in session Y5 at the Anaheim meeting. In this issue Lidia Smentek interviews John Campbell, a recognized authority on Rutherford who 100 years ago announced the discovery of the atomic nucleus. In the August issue of Physics Today, Steven Weinberg traces the history of Particle physics, from Rutherford to the LHC.

There are contributions to this newsletter from many different parts of the globe. I thank all of the authors for their contributions as well as our Newsletter Committee for their suggestions.

Ernie Malamud, after three decades of work at Fermilab on high energy physics experiments and accelerator design and construction, retired to live in California. He is currently on the adjunct faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Disclaimer-The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.