Global Science and Technology Initiative Launched

From Harvey Newman

The Global Initiative on Science and Technology (GIST; being managed by CRDF Global, was launched December 14 to advance scientific, academic, and technological collaboration between the U.S. and the Muslim world. GIST is one of the primary science and technology initiatives to be implemented following the speech by President Obama in Cairo in June 2009. The initiative will have three main areas of activity: (1) developing specific recommendations for science, technology, and innovation capacity-building, particularly in agriculture, energy, health, and information technology, through a consultative process with regional experts and leaders (the results of which will be used to guide the creation of pilot projects); (2) establishing a digital science library for the Maghreb countries of North Africa; and (3) developing training and mentoring programs for scientists in selected countries. Initial funding for two years is being provided by the Department of State.

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