Fifth Linear Collider School

From Ernie Malamud

The fifth in this series of international schools was held from 25 October to 5 November 2010 in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland and continued the tradition of cycling the school between Europe, Asia and the Americas. 70 highly qualified students from a pool of 276 applications were selected. It is interesting to note the country distribution of the accepted students, which includes 19 from Asia and Oceania, 31 from Europe and 20 from North and South America.

The 2011 school will take place in October in California and will be hosted by SLAC


The attendees at the LC school are graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior researchers from around the world, including physicists who are considering a career change from experimental physics to accelerator physics. To learn more, read the interesting articles on this successful school by Barry Barish that appear in the newsletter of the Beam Dynamics Panel of the International Committee for Future Accelerators (Edited by W. Chou):, pages 11-13, August 2010, pages 24-26, December 2010

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