FIP Members Recognized as APS Fellows

Congratulations are extended to these six FIP members for their significant contributions to physics and its diffusion by fostering cooperation and communication among physicists of all countries:

Li-Zhi Fang, University of Arizona

Citation: For his important work in cosmology and early-universe physics; his inspiring leadership, teaching and mentoring of students in China, the United States and around the world; and his tireless, selfless, courageous and continuing advocacy of human rights in China.

Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Citation: For innovative application of advanced methods of theoretical physics and mathematics to problems in classical optics, vision science, and biomedical engineering; and for his dedication to the promotion of science education in developing countries.

Seung Lee, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea

Citation: For important contributions to low-dimensional electron systems and spintronics in diluted magnetic semiconductors, and to physics education over 25 years as a physics educator, and for enthusiastic work on the advancement and promulgation of physics knowledge into the international semiconductor and military societies.

David McClelland, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Citation: For his ground-breaking experimental work in techniques to extend the sensitivity of gravitational wave detection beyond the standard quantum limit and for promoting world-wide collaboration in gravitational wave research

Sudip Sen, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Citation: For his formulating novel theories in flow and plasma dynamics. These have opened up a new avenue to the ultimate breakthrough in world's fusion energy research and can also completely change the conventional wisdom in space science. Also for his leadership in promoting extensive international cooperations specially involving Asia-Pacific and Indian region with Europe and North America.

Penger Tong, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Citation: For his insightful experiments to elucidate interesting new physics in turbulent thermal convection and soft matter systems, and his many contributions to the development of international research and education in experimental physics.



Li-Zhi Fang


Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan


Seung Lee


David McClelland


Sudip Sen


Penger Tong

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.