From the Editor

Ernie Malamud

The Executive Committee of the Forum on International Physics elected me to a 3-year term as FIP Newsletter Editor. My job is to produce two newsletters per year. I have set the deadlines for receipt of materials as February 1 for the Spring Issue, in time to have some printed copies available at the Spring APS meetings, and August 1 for the Fall issue. The success of this endeavor depends on you, the members of FIP, who I encourage to send suggestions for topics and authors which I can then follow up. Please send your ideas and contributions to me at I’m also happy to hear your ideas by phone.

A definition of forum is “a medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas.” Thus, I encourage (short) letters to the editor commenting on FIP newsletter articles or other ongoing events of interest to our membership.

Also as specified in the by-laws I have appointed a small Newsletter Committee to help me with author and topic suggestions. Members are Bill Barletta (MIT and UCLA), Amy Flatten (APS), Efim Gluskin (Argonne), Marleigh Sheaff (University of Wisconsin), and Lidia Smentek (Vanderbilt University). This issue has benefited from their input and I thank them for it.

I am very pleased to see contributions from so many different parts of the globe.

Ernie Malamud after three decades of work at Fermilab on high energy physics experiments and accelerator construction retired to live in California. He is currently on the adjunct faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno.

Disclaimer - The articles and opinion pieces found in this issue of the APS Forum on International Physics Newsletter are not peer refereed and represent solely the views of the authors and not necessarily the views of the APS.